Rangeland improvements

Get paid up to $5,000 per quarter section to improve pasturelands. Sign up by phone!

Ducks Unlimited Canada has a number of programs designed to improve your pasture productivity. Use the funds to benefit your operation where you want. We’ll also provide a field map and grazing tips.

What cattle producers say about 

Cam Hodgins has a cow-calf operation near Lenore, Manitoba. He says, “We used funding from Ducks Unlimited Canada’s Rangeland Program to buy temporary fencing materials and automatic gate openers. We’re moving our yearlings every day, so the program helps us manage our herd more efficiently.” Watch the video for more.

cover of Rangeland Program pamphlet

Click above to enlarge or download program details

Talk to Daphne Appleyard  to find out more about the Rangeland Programs in Manitoba

By Phone:  204-861-2587

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