Enhanced, Restored, and Created Wetlands

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Put water back on your land

We work with private and public landowners to restore and create wetlands in Ontario. We provide support with design, permitting, and project funding. These projects are a collaborative effort with landowners, local stewardship groups, municipalities, conservation authorities, and other organizations.

Restoring wetlands contributes to the natural infrastructure of landscapes by boosting climate resiliency, water quality, flood and drought mitigation, nutrient filtration, and overall watershed health.

Want more information about the Restored and Created Wetlands in Ontario?
Speak with a conservation specialist about your land. Contact us

Meet local landowners across Ontario who we’ve had the privilege of working with:

“Partnering with Ducks Unlimited Canada was really a no brainer. I couldn’t imagine taking on this project on my own. To know that they are out there fundraising and trying to enhance and restore these wetlands is absolutely terrific and I would recommend to any landowner to do the same. – Jeff Kelso, Gifford Land Co-Owner

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