October 30, 2023
DUC selling over 1,000 acres of Manitoba farmland
Bids accepted until November 27 2023

Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) is selling over 1,000 acres of land in southwest Manitoba, in the Rural Municipalities of Prairie View, Ellice-Archie, Oakview and Elton. Tenders will be accepted until 4 pm on November 27, 2023.
Below, you will find details of the land parcels and instructions on bidding. To receive a complete property information package by mail or email, including a copy of the Conservation Agreement, call 204-741-0414.
Package #1

DUC land for sale in the RM of Prairie View
RM of Prairie View
NW 27-16-25 WPM (158.50 acres)
W ½ of SW 27-16-25 WPM (80.00 acres)
Approximately 85 acres of tame forage sown/established in spring 2023 and 35 acres of previously established tame forage. Remaining land consists of native/natural grass and wetland.
Package #2

DUC land for sale in the RM of Elton
RM of Elton
E 1/2 34-12-19 WPM (320.00 acres)
Approximately 205 acres of tame forage sown/established in spring 2023. Remaining land consists of native/natural grass and wetland. New double strand, high tensile electric fence to be installed.
Package #3

DUC land for sale in the RM of Oakview
RM of Oakview
W 1/2 18-14-21 WPM (317.52 acres)
Approximately 225 acres of tame forage sown/established in spring of 2023. Remaining land consists of native/natural grass and wetland. New double strand, high tensile electric fence installed in 2023.
Package #4

DUC land for sale in the RM of Ellice-Archie
RM of Ellice-Archie
NW 32-14-29 WPM (159.39 acres)
Approximately 95 acres of tame forage sown/established in 2023. Remaining land consists of native/natural grass and wetland.
Tenders Close November 27, 2023, at 4:00 PM.
Written sealed tenders are to be dropped off or mailed to:
Ducks Unlimited Canada
Land Tender
Unit 2-545 Conservation Drive
Brandon, MB R7A 7L8
Please indicate ‘Land Tender’ on envelope, with the package #(s) you are bidding on. Interested parties should rely on their own inspection of the property. Properties will be sold as listed above. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
All properties being sold subject to the registration of a ‘No Break, No Drain’ Conservation Easement Agreement. Cultivation of tame forage/hay land will be permitted once every 10 years for rejuvenation purposes. No restrictions with respect to haying or grazing.