October 15, 2020
Ducks supports beef’s new 10-year sustainability goals
Stonewall, Man. – Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) congratulates the seven national beef organizations that form the Canadian Beef Advisors, including the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB), on developing ambitious 10-year goals that put the future of natural landscapes first. The goals are based around greenhouse gases, land use and biodiversity, and animal care – key motivators for both the agriculture and conservation communities.
“Canadian beef farmers and ranchers are some of our greatest partners in conservation, and the CRSB’s commitment to preserve native grasslands and wetlands is one of the many reasons why we’re a proud and active member,” says DUC CEO, Karla Guyn. “The CRSB is continually working to create a stronger beef industry, leading to greater protection of some of Canada’s most at-risk habitats.”
The new goals demonstrate the commitment of the beef industry to climate change mitigation, sustainability, and biodiversity conservation. By encouraging a sustainable economy that values ecosystem services from grasslands we hope that these important areas are maintained, and that marginal cropland is converted back to pasture or hayland.
We are proud to work with the Canadian beef industry to help achieve the market-based signals to show farmers and ranchers that sustainably managing our grasslands and wetlands is valued.
“The environmental stewardship provided by beef farmers and ranchers is important to water, wildlife and all Canadians,” says Guyn.
Once again, congratulations to the Canadian Beef Advisors for their diligent and dedicated work on their new 10-year goals. We look forward to joining you on the journey toward a stronger beef industry and an increasingly healthy environment for Canadians and wildlife alike.
For more information on the new sustainability goals, visit
Karli Reimer,
Ducks Unlimited Canada
Call/text: 204-801-1211